***Strength Training for Beginners, a 6 weeks series, begins Thursday, January 30th*** Personal training sessions can be scheduled or Contact Us to get the password for the recordings in the video library.
Week 1: Introduction and learning the movements with a focus on Squats, Lunges, Dumbbell Deadlifts and Pushups
Week 2: Review (Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts, Overhead press) and adding on: intentional hang from bar or rings / pull up on rings, tricep extensions from hands and knees.
Week 3: New warm up, still lots of pushups, some of the same movements plus adding on Romanian Deadlifts and Hamstring Walkouts / Slides
Week 4: Warm up is a repeat from week 3, a few movement repeats and some new ones including a pistol squat variation show in the thumbnail below. And a twist on our normal pushup fun!